How to Make Memorable Merchandise
merchandise can be a great way to engage with both existing customers and prospects.
Done well, the rewards can be vast. Not only will it get your brand talked, about but can also have a lifelong impact on people.
The great thing about producing your own bespoke products is that there are very few limitations. Your merchandise can be designed and manufactured from any idea to aid your current brand campaign, whether for a competition, a gift with purchase or as part of a general marketing strategy.
It’s not a new concept. The world’s biggest brands have been producing clever, memorable merchandise for decades. What’s changed is that global manufacturing is now much more accessible. Also, modern machinery and technology have reduced costs and minimum order quantities.
Customs and border restrictions have relaxed too. Air and sea freight is now much more competitive. For marketers this means a global supply chain that offers endless possibilities for custom merchandise.
Beware though. While global sourcing has become much easier, with an array of Chinese manufacturers offering products directly on Alibaba, there are many pitfalls that can damage a brand. Big brands are scrutinised in the press and on social media, and any negative association with a dangerous product or an unethical supply chain can be devastating. That’s not to mention quality issues, manufacturers demanding large proforma payments or goods getting stuck in customs.
Good merchandise suppliers will have processes in place: vetted and trusted supply chains, factory and product inspection reports, approval of product samples, product safety compliance, regional staff, plus understanding of customs and duty tariffs.
They’ll also provide a critical path, detailing due dates for artwork and when pre-production proofs need to be signed. Using an experienced supplier you’ll have peace of mind that the detail is taken care of and that you and your brand will be protected throughout the process.
Our Top Picks Of Memorable Merchandise Over The Decades
1970 – Esso World Cup Coin Collection
A must have that depicted the England squad, given away with every four gallons of fuel. Coins are now worth £1 each.
1980 – Join The Weetabix Club Badge
Great example of an early membership promotion, when something as simple as a badge could result in lifelong loyalty.
1994 – Tetley Tea Folk Collectible Figurines
The first to launch added-value, on-pack promotions, which capitalised on the appeal of the popular Tetley tea folk with a 3-D form on each pack. Helped bring the brand to life.
2011 – Compare The Meerkat Toy
From July 2011 a cuddly toy representing one of the characters has been given away with each policy sold via the website. So popular are these little critters that the marketing campaign has doubled the company owner’s personal fortune.
Arcadia specialises in supplying custom made promotional merchandise to help brands stand out from the crowd. Contact our sales team at and turn your ideas into reality.
Make Memorable Merchandise
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Having worked in Promotional Merchandise for the last 25 years I have been exposed to all aspects of the industry. Starting out as an account manager working with some of the worlds leading brands, I have learnt to understand the needs of a client, manufacturing processes, and what it takes to deliver a successful promotional campaign that is on brand, on time and within a given budget.