Tag event merchandise


World Cup Merchandise do’s and don’ts

Promotional Merchandise related to the World Cup 2018 Major sporting events offer great opportunities for promotional merchandise. But with the 2018 World Cup approaching how can businesses benefit from all things football without infringing official marks or breaching other restrictions? Unless a business is one of the official commercial affiliates it may not engage in

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Trade show checklist

Get the best from your industry events There are plenty of great reasons to attend a trade show… * generate leads * sell * check out new trends and products * get together with other retailers * see what the competition’s up to * scope out investors and strategic partners Once you’ve mapped out your

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Promotional charity merchandise

Top tips for a successful awareness day The UK has more than 400,000 charities. Accordingly there are numerous awareness raising days and weeks plus events over longer periods – Safer Internet Day, World Cancer Day, National Eczema Week, World Autism Awareness Day, World Alzheimer’s Month, to name but few. For charities – indeed for all

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The Rise and Rise Of Promotional Notebooks

It’s time to take note of branded promotional notebooks! With the hype that surrounds all things tech, you’d be forgiven for thinking that more traditional promotional branded merchandise doesn’t get much of a look in. Not so. Following the resurgence of notebooks in our high streets, branded notebooks are now one of the top selling

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