Tag merchandise ideas


Trade show checklist

Get the best from your industry events There are plenty of great reasons to attend a trade show… * generate leads * sell * check out new trends and products * get together with other retailers * see what the competition’s up to * scope out investors and strategic partners Once you’ve mapped out your

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Promotional Winter Chocolate 2017

Our 2017 Winter Catalogue is now available Explore our new collection of rich and indulgent artisan chocolate, individually sourced from the finest chocolatiers to bring a new luxurious offering to the promotional merchandise industry. Choose from the deepest dark Belgium chocolate noir, the finest pralines, fluffy mallow whirls or even the extravagant salted caramel caviar.

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personlised calendar dates

Brand Visibility For 12 Months

Promotional Calendars… … Still a very popular gift and great promotional item Calendars help people organise busy social and business lives. For a whole year they’re sat on someone’s desk or affixed to a wall in a prominent position, meaning that branded messages and logos are being absorbed on a daily basis. There are lots

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