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Business ethics and promotional merchandise When buying promotional merchandise, companies often overlook the importance of making sure the products are sourced from an ethical supply chain. This becomes extremely important with larger campaigns and even more so when manufacturing a custom made item, where materials, the factory and product may need ethical and compliant certification.
Spotlight on… … Parrot Mambo Promotional Drone Back in the day, kids (and adults) playing with radio-controlled aircraft seemed to spend more time picking them up off the ground than actually flying them! Not any more. And this little Promotional Gadget looks set to bring fun and frolics to homes, offices and a multitude of open
New Innovation in promotional merchandising As we all scurried about searching for Christmas presents at the back end of 2016, five top European industry experts were locked away poring over masses of entries for this year’s Promotional Gift Award. Winners have now been announced and the star products will be presented to the trade at HAPTICA
Exploding Note 7s may have changed the way Lithium battery are shipped … … What’s the long-term impact? The run up to Christmas last year witnessed a spate of news stories about fires caused by hover boards. Concerns about the electrical safety of the products saw them banned by some airlines. And you certainly won’t