Category What’s New?
Let’s face it, people fidget! They jiggle their legs, fiddle with rings and other bits of jewellery; they doodle. But new research says it might not be such a bad thing; that, in fact, it can help us make decisions, rather like getting up from your desk to stretch your legs or having a glass
Promotional VR meets Mixed Reality – Mix it up! Say Hi to VR’s new friend – Mixed Reality! 2016 saw big brands like Facebook, Jaguar and McDonald’s bringing virtual reality (VR) to bear on their consumer marketing. Toyota, for example, faced with marketing a new motor that didn’t yet exist, used VR to engage prospective customers.
Good to be green Consumer trends and the environment More and more consumers are keen to have products (including ones they receive as promotional gifts) that are environmentally sound and ethically sourced. UK research by YouGov and The Guardian reckons that despite a period of austerity the public’s wish to reduce its impact on the
With the evenings drawing out and summer allegedly on the way, many will be contemplating dragging lycra from the back of wardrobes and emancipating bikes from sheds, taking out gym memberships or heading off to local spas and pools. Sportswear and equipment is big business – and it’s all perfect for some nice branding. From
What’s trending so far in 2017? As consumers continue to become increasingly exacting and discerning, quality is proving to be king, with low quality items taking a back seat to ‘cool’ design and high production values. Recipients of promotional merchandise as always will appreciate quality and products that have a perceived high value. Green is still good!